Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mas Y Mas

Today was a good day. We listened as our good professor gave an overview of Mexican history. Did you know that Cinco de Mayo is a United States invention, created to detract attention from a battle in Mexico city that happened on September 13th, 3 days away from the actual date that Mexico declared independence from Spain? I'm really enjoying these lessons. =) As another part of our classes today, Mr. De Hoyos read from a book of short stories or essays, and had us listen and see if we could pick out the content of what was being read. It took us a couple of times to get it, but it was a great opportunity to "tune in" our ears to the language. Our homework is to pick out 150 more words than the ones we already had, and memorize them before tomorrow morning. We did pretty well on our 150 word test today.

At lunch, Dickmar brought home a pack of "Phase 10" cards. It made me think of you, Leslie! <3 Zelina taught us all how to play, and we've been playing it throughout the rest of today. It's rather catchy!!

After listening to an excellent message by John Piper, I was pondering the concept of life being like a river. All of life, he says, is like being swept downstream in a current, and the headwaters are abiding in Christ. If you aren't moving towards it, you're moving away from the true life of abiding. Pastor Piper claims that God has put a lot of encouragers in his life because he is more needy for that. It made me think. Who is God wanting me to encourage around me? Who do I turn to when I'm feeling tired and about to be swept away? Not if I lose ground, but when. The reality of life is the constant struggle. Yet, He has already given the grace to be victorious!!

Lord, give me strength to keep swimming, and to help encourage other weary swimmers along the way. Thank you for being my lifeline. Amen

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