Friday, March 13, 2009

It's still raining

It rained a little more on Thursday. We had Spanish class again in the morning...and Mona got really sick. Mona is Kriss' puppy. The vet came and took her away, and it is not looking very good. Please pray for Kriss. She is feeling pretty sad at having to say goodbye to her pet.

Brrr! The weather has turned cold. The guys from Sandia are bundled up, and we are all in sweaters and wrapping up in blankets here at the house. Jamie made us all hot chai to drink...although it is definitely NOT as cold as Washington, it is definitely not as warm as I remember Mexico to be. Still, our hearts are warmed by the fellowship and we are anticipating the team coming tomorrow, and the work to begin next week.

Nos Vemos!!


  1. Que bueno que puedes aprender de los mejores! =) Me encanta ver las fotos y descripiciones de su tiempo! Cuando finalmente voy con ustedes a un viaje me sentira como ya habre estado alli!
    Diles "Hola!" Para mi!
    Dios les de fuerza y sabiduria y todo lo que hacen!
    Que tengan un tiempo muy bonito, regociendo en el Senor!
    Los amo mucho!!

  2. Espero que puedas leer lo que escribi sin los accentos! =D
    Esta lloviendo!?? Esta soleado aca! =)
    ~Vayan con Dios!~
