It seems like the greater the anticipation of something, the greater the enjoyment of it. It has certainly been so with this trip. With the longest travel time of any of our Mexico trips to date, and certainly the furthest distance traveled, we had much to expect from God. Fellowship along the way has been sweet, but our eagerness to get to work has been steadily increasing since we left. Another mirror to the life of Elijah. The first calling recorded from God is a command to go into the wilderness to be fed by ravens. We felt much the same, with just the traveling and meeting of our own basic needs occupying our energies, we were itching for the opportunity to invest, and excited to arrive to our destination.
The road was beautiful, and we were even more delighted to explore our accommodations. A log cabin built entirely of palm tree trunks! The host family, a couple with two young sons, moved into their parents home, unoccupied because the owners were away on a trip, and gave us use of their home for the three days and 4 nights.
We had meals at the grandparents, 2 doors down and across the street. It was an outdoor cabana, comfortable because of the warm weather, and fresh because of the many trees and flowers surrounding it. An enormous bogenvilla tree with its twisted trunk shaded the patio, adding to the retreat-like atmosphere. Zelina stayed at this house, and cooked in the kitchen.
We were fortunate enough to have one of the only houses in the village with a bathroom inside the house. A newfangled invention, the locals usually build a small outbuilding for the purpose. The first morning, Zelina shared stories of her adventures with midnight the dark...carrying her own water. =) Talk about adventure! She came over to our "house" for showers.

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