Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mexico Fall '09 -- Day One

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

First day of travel down, two more to go…

Both groups made it safely here to San Antonio with out undue complications. Paula and Joby had a bit rougher time of it, being delayed out of Seattle with crazy storms and electrical trouble with the plane. A tight connection in Denver, but they were able to get through just before takeoff.

The friendly assistant behind the Southwest counter helped us check in our 14 bags. We had a bunch of dental supplies, plus 3 lawn chairs to replace our broken patient chairs. She came from a family of seven too, and sympathized with the quirks of traveling with large groups. Quandaries such as where to stand when dad checks in and everyone is pulling two bags and the space behind the counter is limited, and, who stays with the carryon luggage and who needs id checked and who takes the bags to the x-ray man...things that are simple when traveling alone become slightly more of a challenge when multiplied 8 times.

We had our mission team meeting while soaking our tired feet the hot tub, listening as Dad filled us in on “the plan.” Excited for the trip, I know we’re all feeling the anticipation of watching for how and where God will use us this week. Thanks for praying everyone!

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