Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dad leads us in morning devotions each day of the trip. The theme of the devotions for this trip is “Tales of the Kingdom.” We had a good time discussing the parables Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven, especially the word picture of the wheat and the tares. Dickmar shared that he had heard one teaching comparing them to the works we have done on earth. We never know which ones God will throw into the fire, and which ones will stand the test of eternity. Digging through the Word together has been so refreshing and encouraging.

One difference in holding the clinic where we can see it from the window of the house, is that we saw our patients driving up as we finished eating breakfast. Hurry up guys! We were ready for the day, and so were the orphans. We did a lot of fillings, and a few extractions.

One funny story from the day ... I was assisting Dad with an extraction. Everything was going fine. The girl cried a little during the injection, but bravely made it through. Dad had just finished drilling the tooth out when the girl started shrieking. She had been watching Dad dad work in a small hand mirror, so we thought something about her filling might have scared her. Then she pointed up at the light, and we saw the cause of her panic. A small brown spider was crawling around on the light. Startled, I jumped back and dropped the suction hose I had been holding, while dad leaped up and shook the spider from the light. (I don't know who is more arachnaphobic, Dad or his's a toss-up.) In a heroic effort, he knocked it to the floor and squished it. We all caught our breath...and laughed at the hilarity of the situations.

Mr. DeHoyos and Dany have been giving us Spanish lessons. It's great, and we are enthusiastic and motivated students. Who knows, we could be bilingual yet! ¿Cual es de material de la mesa?

We saw two older ladies towards the end of the day. They were very grateful for the help, and told Josue that although they could never repay the good work that was done for them, they would pray for he and Joby that God would bring beautiful and godly girls to be their wives. Josue told them that their prayers for Joby were already answered, but that they could pray double for him!! :D

A wonderful day at the clinic ended in packing up the equipment into the trailer. Finished with the breezy church building, we were relocating to the DIF, the health building of the city, on the following day. Joby and Josue, who had been building shelves at the orphanage all day, came to help us load the trailer. Every trip we get faster at packing and unpacking the equipment, and I think we got it done in 30 minutes this time!

We were excited for the evening, because Dickmar told us he had informed some friends that he brought some Americans to play softball. Dickmar now plays on a league, more for fun than for anything else. His team is very close to the bottom, but what they lack in skills they make up for in spirit! When we got to the ball park, we were a bit intimidated. We were the only girls there, and we really have no experience in softball. Soccer maybe we could hold our own, even volleyball we could make out okay, but softball was way out of our "league." ;) Luckily they were still having practice in the main part, and we practiced our throwing. Joby taught us how to throw so we wouldn't look like girls, and pretty soon everyone showed up. We gathered in the middle and Josue divided us into two teams. In spite of the complete lack of skills, which actually provided some comedy for the evening, "Hit it between Isaac and Dany!" we had a blast, and were sorry to see the game come to an end.

The parents enjoyed a quiet meal at home while we were at the ball park, and lively conversation with Lindolfo Delgado and his wife. Lindolfo is one of the church members, and has an amazing sense of humor. He calls himself the "man of two lies," as his first name comes from the Spanish word, "lindo" which means, "pretty," and his last name means "skinny," a trait for which he fulfills exactly the opposite description. ;)

We enjoyed another evening of sequence, and just sharing about life. It's so fun to laugh, and we all keep each other in stitches constantly!

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