Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, October 25th, 2008

Back in San Antonio once again! The goodbyes were tearful, the travel uneventful. Only once were we stopped by the federales, but when the camo-dressed man with an enormous gun put a question to Dad, he responded with, "No hable espaƱol, much, er, mucho..." Which, when translated means, "You don't speak much Spanish." The federale kind of grinned at Dad and rolled his eyes, waving him on. Way to play the gringo card, Dad!

Getting through the border was no problem at all. Jamie is still feeling a bit under the weather, but other than that we are all doing well. Thanks, everyone, for praying for us!

Our purposes in going on this trip are first of all to glorify God, to refresh the saints, to give aid where directed, and to plant and harvest fruit for the Kingdom. If all of these are accomplished, we feel the trip is successful. Whether we had fun is not a crucial factor, although we most certainly did. Whether we accomplished our plans is not important. Our success or failure on the trip is not measured by what we did or what happened, but by WHO was the Author and Finisher. We are missionaries wherever we go, not because we do mission-type activities, but because we carry in these earthly vessels the incomparable treasure of knowing Christ. This is the gift we share with the lost and hurting people of the world. If we fail, it is only because we lost connection to the Head, from which all things come.

I pray the Lord richly blesses you for your prayers. You are demonstrating the depth of your love for Christ by keeping his command to "pray for laborers." It is a job that will never be completed until the final triumphant day of the Lord's return. May we all endure until He returns!

1 comment:

  1. I've had so much fun reading about your time in Mexico. You have made me laugh so much and wish I could have gone with you guys! Your heart for the Lord is inspiring.
